Old Town Triangle Association Old Town Triangle Association

Historic District / Planning & Zoning Committee


The mission of the HDPZ committee is to maintain the architectural and historic character of the designated historic districts and buildings within the Old Town Triangle by: (1) educating and collaborating with residents and property owners on the process for, and published guidance regarding, building alterations; (2) working closely with the Aldermanic offices and relevant City of Chicago departments to preserve the historic character and charm of the Old Town Triangle; (3) providing educational and community-building events and programs to highlight the Old Town Triangle’s history and foster a greater appreciation for it; (4) providing the OTTA Board of Directors with recommendations on any material historic district, planning or zoning matters; and (5) enhancing our own understanding of preservation trends and strategies.

Historic District Resource Links:
OTTA Building Catalog July 11 2024
Commission on Chicago Landmarks’ Guidelines for Rehab (2015)
Dormer Criteria (2010)
Fern Court Guidelines (2002)
Hardie Board Resolution (2017)
National Historic Register Approval (1984)
OTT Designation Ordinance
Preservation Chicago – Landmark FAQs
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
US Department of the Interior: Historic Preservation
Wells St Commercial Building Context Draft
Click here for additional resources


An April 23 2024 letter written by OTTA Board of Directors to Alderman Hopkins outlining the significant concerns shared by the majority of our members can be found here.

On March 5, 2024, we sent a letter to city officials requesting clarification of certain zoning rules at play in the Fern Hill proposal. To date, city officials have not responded to that letter (click here to view).

Chair: Beth Burk
Members: Zac Bleicher, Vi Daley, Diane Gonzalez, Phyllis Hall, Karl Hjerpe, David Raino-Ogden, Corinne Rohr & Chris Wolf
Contact: hdpz@oldtowntriangle.com