Old Town Triangle Assocation. Old Town Triangle Assocation.

Strategic Planning for the Old Town Triangle

Barbara Guttmann
July 18, 2023

Strategic Planning Committee

Four workgroups were created to focus on specific topics. Each workgroup generates suggestions for improving how the OTTA addresses those topics. Preliminary proposals were provided to the Board at the July meeting. While still not finalized, you can review the draft documents (click here) presented by each workgroup. A community meeting will be held in October to seek feedback from members. 

Learn more about the Planning Process.

OTTA Members voted to invest in creating a Strategic Plan for the organization at the Annual Members meeting in January 2022. The Committee was formed with: Zac Bleicher, Dorothy DeCarlo, Diane Fitzgerald, Phil Graff, Brad Neuman, Rick Rausch and John Engman (Consultant).



And that’s a WRAP!

Barbara Guttmann
June 14, 2022

Thank you neighbors, volunteers, vendors, friends for all you do to make the Old Town Art Fair a truly unique, welcoming and successful event! The artists were thrilled, the guests loved everything about the Fair and, of course, the Old Town Triangle Association is thrilled to be able to share the proceeds with our grant recipients and our neighbors through committee works. We could not do any of this without you.

Please do plan to join us on Friday, June 17th from 6 – 9:30 as we celebrate YOU! This is our way of thanking you for your time, your kindness, your inconveniences, and for being you!

Friday, North Park from Willow to Menomonee! (Think Disco…)