Old Town Triangle Assocation. Old Town Triangle Assocation.

LWG presents KEN MINAMI – Opening Reception 10/25

October 15, 2024


“Night Shift” is a series of imaginary paintings exploring psychological states, more than actual physical places. Although the paintings suggest actual places, the artist has freely altered the architecture and mixed scenes of various cities. The work suggests emotional places, and only vaguely references geographical ones. The title implies a shift from the visual world revealed in daylight to the more hidden interior world obscured in the darkness of night.

Ken Minami is a Chicago painter educated in the tradition of the 19th-Century Boston School. He continues to paint still life and figurative works from life with the intention of faithfully rendering the visual world as it presents itself. These nighttime urban paintings are a departure from that practice. It’s a shift into attempting to paint a scene that only exists in his imagination. His Instagram is @minami6275.

Reception: Friday, October 25 | 6 to 8 PM
Lincoln Park Art Night: Thursday, November 14 | 5:30 to 8:30 PM
Exhibition: October 22 to December 14

Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Friday 10 to 5 PM
Saturday 10 to 1 PM

Apply to the OTTA Board of Directors!

September 28, 2024

Excited about Oktoberfest? Third Thursday events? The Art Fair and the 75th Anniversary? Interested in our neighborhood Parks? Safety in our area? Twin Neighborhoods with Montmartre, Paris? Join the OTTA Board of Directors and help navigate the Triangle Association as we move into a new period. Building renovations will allow for more activities and more community opportunities.

Join us to help move the organization forward and bring new energy to our great neighborhood. Board members chair one committee, which should meet once a month, attend monthly Board meetings, and participate in events.    

The Nominating Committee is seeking applications from candidates for the offices of President, First Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer; and for two open positions as Directors.

Applications can be found here.

Please fill out the application and submit via email to nominations@oldtowntriangle.com. The Nominating Committee will be reviewing applications and will follow up with more information regarding deadlines and interview dates.

Do you know someone else who you think would be perfect? Send them this email or send an email to nominations@oldtowntriangle.com with their name and email and we can drop them a line.

Chair: Laura Becker
Members: Vi Daley, Dorothy DeCarlo, Leah Marshall, David Montgomery

Lakeshore Symphony Orchestra Quartet – Third Thursdays at OTTA

Barbara Guttmann
September 7, 2024

The Third Thursday Series continues with a performance by the Lakeshore Symphony Orchestra at the Ella Jenkins Park. Plan to bring a picnic and enjoy this beautiful evening with friends and neighbors.

RSVP online here.

This is one of a regular series of events/speakers at the Triangle Center. Each month a different event will take place highlighting a topic of interest. Everyone is welcome

The LSSO is a not-for-profit symphony orchestra whose primary focus it to engage, inspire and educate through music’s extraordinary power, to create an opportunity for Chicago area musicians to perform a wide variety of symphonic music, and to provide youth, seniors, and persons with limited access to the arts high quality, affordable, and enlightening music.

Fall Art Classes OPEN

August 16, 2024

Classes take place in the early evening or late morning/early afternoon. Pastel painting, acrylic and oil, charcoal drawing, and watercolor classes are available. One is designed to work with your schedule. Register soon – our fall classes fill up quickly.

Due to building renovations, the class schedules are more sporadic this semester. Please click the” register here” link for any specific classes you may be interested in, to find the exact class dates. We appreciate your patience as we endeavor to create a better space for all

Leslie Wolfe Gallery Applications for 2025 are OPEN

August 8, 2024

The Old Town Art Center is currently accepting submissions for exhibits in the Leslie Wolfe Gallery.  Exhibits typically run for four weeks and are open to solo and group shows. All exhibits are juried by guest jurors who are artists, gallery owners, instructors and/or community residents. Only two-dimensional works will be accepted.

APPLICATIONS DUE: October 1, 2024


EXHIBIT DATES: February 2025 – January 2026


Submit no more than five images of your work and the application fee.

Artist Statement
Application Fee
Five images suitable for online publication. Images must be the works you intend to exhibit. In each image title, please include your last name, artwork title, date created, medium and size.
eg: (Name_Title_2021_pastel_24x32.jpeg)



The Leslie Wolfe Gallery continues to break new ground by offering exhibit space for emerging artists, students, instructors, and established artists. Exhibits are on display for four weeks, kicked off with a weekend reception. The Gallery is named after local artist and community advocate, Leslie Wolfe, who was   dedicated to the arts and artists. Her passion is reflected in the jury’s selections each month.

Third Thursdays – Bossy Characters!

July 12, 2024

Thursday, July 18 | 6:30 PM – 8 PM

Free | Light refreshments will be served.

Authors Nancy Stevenson and Donna Vos discuss the joys of writing. Stevenson’s first novel, Long Reach will be published shortly. Vos is a published author whose works can be found under the pseudonym “Donna Cousins.”


Leslie Wolfe Gallery presents PRIYA TRIPATHI

July 11, 2024

With over 15 years of experience, Priya found her passion in the subject matter of still life (and occasionally, landscapes). Her love of vibrant color and impasto led her to the Old Masters and the style of impressionism. Through expressive brushstrokes and careful placement of color, Tripathi can portray three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface.

Opening Reception: July 14, 2024, 2 to 4 PM
Exhibition: July 10 to August 7, 2024

Tuesday – Friday 10 to 5
Saturdays 10 to 1 
1763 N North Park Ave



B-I-N-G-O! Be there or be a Bingo Square…

Please join us for our second annual BYOB Bingo on Sunday, July 21, 6 PM, at the Triangle. Emceed by Darius Tandon, our illustrious former OTTA Secretary, bingo players will have their chance at an array of prizes, including La Fournette baguettes, ham & cheese croissants (oui, oui!), and a Topo Gigio gift card (molto bene!). In addition, there will be tacos from El Tragón (exquisito!), Old Town trivia, live piano accompaniment, and a possible mystery Chicago comedian. What else could you possibly want to do on a Sunday evening in July?

Registration is not required, but greatly appreciated for planning purposes! 

Donations are also very much appreciated! We recommend $10, but any amount is welcome.


Bastille Day Celebrations

June 28, 2024

Events throughout the greater Old Town area include painter Priya Tripathi’s opening reception at the Leslie Wolfe Gallery (2 – 4 PM), Cafe/Cabaret Cocktail Reception (4 – 6 PM)  at the Triangle Center (Menomonee & North Park), kids craft events at the Near North Library on Division, a Pet Fashion Stroll for furry family members at Burton Place, and a showing of the movie, Ratatouille at Ella Jenkins Park (Wisconsin & Sedgwick) at the end of the day. Many local businesses will offer specials to celebrate the holiday.

In 2023, the Old Town Triangle Association and Old Town Merchants & Residents Association “Twinned” with our counterparts in Montmartre. Recognizing the shared history of arts, entertainment, and local food establishments – it seemed a natural connection. With Chicago and Paris having Sister City status, we are following their lead in a more communal fashion. Without set parameters, we are able to offer different options for everyone to participate. If you have any interest, suggestions, questions about how to participate in this “Twinning” effort, feel free to join. We are always looking for ways to celebrate this unique friendship.  

You can register and donate below – we recommend $10, but any amount is welcome. Registration is not required, but greatly appreciated as it helps us make a better event for you!
