Old Town Triangle Assocation. Old Town Triangle Assocation.

Community Service/Migrant Support

October 8, 2023

The Old Town Triangle Association is continuing to work to support Migrants and others in need. Working with Ascension Church at LaSalle and Elm, we are providing new and lightly worn winter clothing that is available at their “free store” for those in need. They can always use more help. 

An Ad-Hoc Committee is helping to find ways that Old Town neighbors can best assist those in need. Other options are being brought to our attention and we will be reaching out for more help soon. There are a number of groups that are located very near to the Triangle and we want to make sure that our efforts will make a difference.

The Community Service Committee has not forgotten our local public servants who go above and beyond for us every day. A lunch for the 18th District Police officers was held on November 17th before the start of the holiday season, where officers take on extra shifts to manage high-profile events. We also dropped off cookies to both of our local Fire Stations to acknowledge the loss of their colleague and friend, Drew Price. 

Reach out to the Committee at service@oldtowntriangle.com to assist in any of these activities. 

We need your continued support for some needs that have been identified.

  • Old suitcaseswheeled cases are easier for everyone.
  • There is a need for coats, boots and shoes. Not necessarily new but in decent shape. No dress shoes or heels. Athletic shoes, comfortable shoes, warm boots – for adults and children. Socks and underwear must be new but are also needed.
  • Men will wear jeans or sweats but no dress pants. 
  • Women also prefer athletic type clothing (leggings, sweats, etc.). No blouses, skirts or dresses.
  • Small, stuffed animals (please no large items).
  • Pots & pans and other items for those who are finding shelter are also appreciated.

If you are unable to donate items but would still like to contribute, you can make a donation by clicking here.

Laundry costs are high – we are attempting to offer cleaning of clothing and bedding to the migrants. One family for one week (about 45 lbs.- everything has been wet lately) costs about $40. Your donation of $20 or more in the Laundry section will help us to meet these needs. We can still use donations to help pay for the laundry services that were provided.

Note: donations to the Old Town Triangle Association are tax-deductible to the amount allowed by law (OTTA is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization).

Thank you – in advance for your assistance. Please contact the committee at service@oldtowntriangle.com for any additional information. 

Migrant Donations

Barbara Guttmann
October 2, 2023


Old Town & Montmartre – Twinned Neighborhoods!

Barbara Guttmann
October 1, 2023

We have exciting news to share with you. 

Old Town, Chicago and Montmartre, Paris are becomingtwinArrondissements (neighborhoods)! Chicago and Paris have been Sister Cities since 1996 and, now, the Old Town Merchants and Residents Association & the Old Town Triangle Association are partnering with La Commune Libre de Montmartre, a community organization in Montmartre, Paris to “twin” our Old Town neighborhood and Montmartre to share culture and friendship.

Old Town and Montmartre share histories as thriving artistic communities with pasts as bohemian centers of culture.  Both are rich in architectural treasures, cathedrals, cobble stone                  streets,  and neighborhood restaurants and bars.

The Chicago Paris Cabaret Connexion, which is an initiative of the Chicago based non-profit Working in Concert, performed on September 3, 2023 in Paris. At that performance, the President of the Montmartre neighborhood organization made an announcement of the Old Town/Montmartre partnership. The Chicago-Paris Sister City Committee has been key in facilitating this partnership. A special thank you to OTTA & OTMRA member Caroline Shoenberger and Chicago/Paris Sister City Co-Chair David Reithoffer for all their behind-the-scenes support.

We look forward to this pairing leading to new opportunities for neighbors to participate in exciting French themed events and possibly drive some unique Old Town neighborhood communications and collaboration. Residents and businesses are encouraged to complete the document linked here to share their interests and suggestions for activities you would like to see come out of this connection. We are counting on large-scale participation to make this a truly exciting and fun effort for years to come. 

Stay tuned for more, and get ready to celebrate in Old Town with French wine, French culture, and more.

Ray Clark, President, Old Town Triangle Association
Pam Farley, President, Old Town Merchants & Residents Association




Twin Neighborhoods/Arrondissements.

Our two neighborhoods/arrondissements (in Chicago and in Paris) share a history in the arts, culture and cuisine! Join us to make this a truly new and exciting partnership for years to come:

Every idea is welcome.
Every person/business is welcome to join or take on a new role.
Ideas for events, lectures, classes, tours? Interested in leading or participating?
Let’s show everyone how it’s done! It all starts with you.